Saturday, July 23, 2011

Am I going blind? (20 characters)?

Sometimes in the morning I wake up with a white film in my vision and I usually blink a few times and it goes away. Also, I frequently feel like there's something in my eye. Usually it's a white kind of mucus. My eyes water sometimes and feel like they have a film over them but I wash them with water and it goes away.

Why does my yahoo not respond?

every time I try to open my yahoo account with firefox, it blinks and says (on top) firefox is not responding and will not.

Favorite messup on a record?

Mine is Ghostface on Heaven and Hell "within the blink an of eye.... within the blink of an eye ya gone, man."

I was reading a medical blog about a man with no eyelids?

he was in an accident and lost them. i was wondering how do people that lose their eyelids sleep? do they take medicine or justtry and blink or something i dont know and i was curious. thank you :)

Vision black outs like when blinking, when not blinking?

When I wake up sometimes, the colors flash in front of my eyes. I don't even blink; it just happens. My doctor told me it was migraines; your head doesn't have to ache for migraines to work. Talk to your doctor and see what he says.

Should I trim my privet hedge down to where the new green growth is coming in?

My hedge is 8 years old and I didn't cut it back last fall. This spring it is very woody at the top with very few buds but is very full at the bottom where the new growth is coming in.

Why is it that Christians dont seem to Understand what Scientific Theory Means?

Why do you care? Is their belief harming you? Is their belief an insult? Why can't you just accept that some people aren't going to change their opinions. Personally the fact that you group all Christian together, and fail to mention Jews or Muslims (which intertwine with the Christian bible), is somewhat ignorant. There are plenty of Christians that believe in evolution and the Scientific Theory, but choose to continue to believe in God. It sounds like you are personally attacking Christians, and no other religion. Based on the description you are obviously trying to come off as sounding smart, when you cannot even word you question properly. I'm sure most people understand what it means, they may not believe in it, but they know what it is. While that may not be what you're doing, that's how you're coming off. I don't believe in Atheism, but I don't care that people practice it. That's their Business and none of mine.

How do we know that space is expanding? How do we know we are moving away from the centre of the universe?

The universe is thought to be isotropic, meaning it looks roughly the same from every point within it. There is no center because the Big Bang created space itself, so everywhere must be considered the "center". The expansion rate acts as an opposing force to gravity, but only at distances of several million parsecs. That is because the force of gravity decreases with distance, while the force of expansion increases with distance. So at some critical distance, expansion will overpower the gravitational pull of galaxy clusters. But within this distance, they will still be gravitationally bound.

Woody Allens best films?

Im a young fan, and I really like all of his movies, new and old. In your opinion, what are the best NON CLICHE movies of his? By that I mean dont say Annie Hall, Manhattan, Hannah and her Sisters, etc. I know theyre good already!

Is language inconsequential and therefore immune to legislation? Or is language equivalent to action—...?

Language is intermediate between thought and action: it is thought made observable. It straddles the line between the abstract and the concrete. Which of its aspects—the ethereal or the physical—should be the basis of our legal understanding of the capacity of language to do harm? Is language inconsequential and therefore immune to legislation? Or is language equivalent to action—world-changing and so capable of harm—in which case legal notice must be taken of injurious linguistic behavior?

I don't it will ever happen again but I do miss Mia Farrow in Woody Allen's latest movies, don't you?

She was the star of all movies of Mr. Allen in the 80's and early 90's. I know what happened. I just miss Miss Farrow's and Mr. Allen's collaborations as a movie tandem. And besides, she eluminated a lot of Mr. Allen's flicks. The other one is Miss Dianne Keaton.

Could a fly lay eggs in my brain?

I'm pretty sure it would die if you blinked over it. Though it's highly unlikely that that even happened.

Why is it in America Rush Limbaugh and Woody Allen are more attractive then Asian guys?

I mean Osama Bin Laden, Woody Allen and Rush Limbaugh were ranked higher then Bi Rain and Daniel Dae Kim by American girls. Asian times reported.

My boyfriend got his ex girlfriend pregnant. I am in tears! Help?!?

He's obviously still in love with her and is probably hoping this baby will bring them back together. I know you love him, but obviously the feeling isn't mutual and I suggest moving on.

How much life does one Amazon tree support?

Has a study ever been carried out to determine the amount of life a single Amazon tree can support during its natural life span or within an observable amount of time ?

Evolutionists: How do we determine the length of a half-life?

Well, you could start with 2 K-40 atoms and wait 1.26 billion years, over which time one will decay, OR you could start with 1.26 billion atoms (which isn't very much) and see one decay right away, OR start with 2.52 billion atoms and see 2 decay right away (on average, of course). etc...

Eyelashes get caught in my eye?

For some reason very often i will get an eyelash in my eye, but I normally find that if I blink alot or touch my eye it will come out of the tear duct bit. Problem is that something got caught in my eye today and i think it was an eyelash again, i blinked a lot and nothing happened so then without thinking I rubbed it because it hurt and now I have a red blotch near the coloured part of my eye (the iris I think) and it feels slightly itchy. I used eye drops. Am I supposed to just continuosly wash it out with water throughout the day?

Alternative lyrics for status? bands listed...similar bands?

How 'bout Offspring - and all the girls sat I'm pretty fly - for a white guy! ;) a href=";_ylt=AlUTXV0XfqLAEzksdQTdf90M_dw4;_ylv=3?qid=20110628123504AA4RaTC";…/a

I have this round bump under my eye by the inner tear duct..?

its round like a bit less than pea sized and under the skin. if i pull my eyelid down i can't see anything but it looks swollen under my eye..what could this be? it hurts when i blink and bend over.

Could the big bang have started from an infinitely large cosmic egg?

An inflationary universe 10^120 times as big as our observable universe means 10^40 observable universes for every single one of the 10^80 atoms estimated to exist in our observable universe. And everything that exists started all at once in a single instant, from an infinitesimally small point? It's logic like this that seems so utterly difficult for a finite mind (like my mind) to grasp. Wouldn't the better hypothesis (I'm not sure whose), be an infinitely large universe from a primordial 'and' infinitely large cosmic egg? Somehow, since infinities are totally beyond imagination (my imagination), the concept of a finite universe (not infinite), originating from a point, seems harder to swallow than an egg; excuse the pun.

I want to study the geology of the Great Flood of Noah. Can anyone define the sediment contact boundaries?

Very likely the "Great Flood" was caused by the rupture of what is now called the Strait of Bosporus. That would make the sediment contact boundaries the bottom and the shore of the Black Sea. There is marine archaeological evidence of human habitation hundreds of feet below the Black Sea's surface, which is now at sea level. The people who lived there would surely have imagined the whole world had flooded. Mt. Ararat rises opposite the Strait of Bosporus, near the Black Sea's eastern shore.

Would you keep reading this? Suggestions?

My curiosity is seeping up weather this girl will survive or not... and what is so special about the necklace ... so Yes I would keep reading it... :)

Handing the woman the bill...Why would a waiter/waitress do this?

ok first off what kind of places are you eating at? The rules are simple that the check be placed inbetween the guests next to the edge of the table unless requested to one person. These places that you are going to need to retrain their staff and next time it happens ask for a manager.

Internet Modem Data Indicator blinking very fast, even no download is in process?

I have a broadband connection. Data indicator on modem is blinking very fast. No Download is in process. No Update Program is running.But internet speed is very very slow. How To Stop This

Why does the bone next to my eye ache?

It might be something similar to the Pink Eye. I had it twice in one week, as did my sister. I did feel an ache in my bone next to my eye, but not for more than a day or two. I would suggest speaking to your doctor about it.

Why Do People Use The Phrase "There Is Proof Of God's Existence" When Faith Isn't Proof Of Anything?

I don't think the Universe is real. Going by your train of thought.. Since you can't prove to me the Universe was created, whether by a higher power or natural random cause.. The universe is not real. Hey, thanks for playing.

What do you think this meant?

OMG! I have always believed in ghosts and spirits but I only like good ones. I think your mum may have just seen ghosts. Ooooh! Exciting.

What's something funny you did as a child?

when i was little (as in 2ish) i used to think that buzz and woody from toy story were real. i freaked my parents and extended family out one time when we were at my aunts house and i randomly yelled "Buzz and Woody are at the door!" and went to answer it LMAO

What would happen if a large body were to crash into the sun?

If a large body, e.g. an icy comet, a metallic comet, a planetary body were to fall into the sun, what would happen? Would the body actually impact the sun's surface? Or, would the photosphere vaporize any matter before it lands? Are the molecules blown into the solar system as solar wind or does gravity pull them back in? How would the composition of the impacting body effect the final outcome? I.e. a metallic body vs rocky vs icy? Are these molecular meteors observable on earth? Or are they too heavily ionized?

How to make my ps3 controller working wirelessly on my ps3?

i updated my ps3 system to kmeaw cfw v3.55 and both my controllers wont work wirelessly i have to connect it with the usb to use it and when it works all the lights turn off and stays like that(but it works). but when i remove the usb all the 4 lights blinks then it turns off. my ps3 is a 320gb slim i have gaia manger i dont use a ps3break usb.

How can I get my chemical romance ticket?

So I heard that there is a blink 182 concert on september 7th and mcr will be playing too and i've always really wanted to got to one of their concerts. I missed the ticket selling date and I've already entered the contest on but I want to know if there is anything else i can do to get tickets. Please help, I really love this band!!!!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Is it possible to be a jumper?

Scientists in Japan have just done something similar but not with a human being as this is still way to complicated.

Honda Civic Tour, blink & mcr?

So, I'm going to the Honda civic tour concert, august 20 in Chicago. And i'm sure Manchester orchestra is opening, but who's closing the show? Blink or mcr? I love mcr with all my heart, but I'm hoping blink, my all time face band. Best for last, right? ;)

Is there anyway to see what is wrong with my brain in a physical sense if I had OCD or schizophrenia?

If I am chemically imbalanced then there should be a way to see this through some sort of test or some other way to physically see what specifically is wrong with me. I can't be this messed up with nothing that isn't observable by the medical community in this day and age.

Why would the God of the Universe treat humans so special?

In the Universe there are about 100 billion galaxies that are observable, yet we humans reside on a tiny little planet in a single galaxy. We are a speck in comparison, yet why would God have such an intimate connection with us humans? He sacrificed his son to save us? Are we really that important?

Why haven't our bodies evolved natural clothes that come out of our skin, since we have been wearing clothes..?

Hair is natural clothing. We devolved hair for a reason, it saves energy which makes it easier to survive when food is scarce. Evolution does not depend on the origin of life for validity, that is a completely different theory and scientists have been making amazing progress in that area recently. You are acting as if science should know the answers to everything, that is ignorant. Like evolution, science progresses over time while weeding out bunk theories along the way and keeping the ones that can be verified. Evolution has NOTHING to do with faith. Evolution has been proven. Maybe instead of making blatant assertions about things you know nothing about, you should do a little bit of research so you actually understand the concepts you are trying to refute.

Who cried at the end of Toy Story 3?

I'm 16 and i just watched toy story 3 for like the 5th or 6th time and once again i found myself prperly sobbing at the end. Not just shedding a tear or two put proper full on sobbing (making noises and everything) and when Woody said "So long partner" i just lost it and properly crying i have grown up with the films and it just felt like the end of my childhood. Am i on my own here? did anyone else cry at the end?

The maths just doesn't add up?

I don't understand your question here. Your answer is 13 000 000 000 years. And as we know, the universes age is about 13 700 000 000 years. But this might have happened because you rounded some numbers. I see no errors nowhere.

Weird thing happened on the trail the other day...?

She probly spooked from somethin' way off that you couldn't see or hear. Also, there may've been a plastic bag somewhere (You know the way horses feel 'bout plastic bags).

Friends moms behavior?

Uhh she wants your mancandy BAD. If you like all the attention (AFTER YOU TURN 18) go over to his house and tell her how great she looks. Come over on a day you know your friend is gone and just act like you forgot. Maybe ask her for some advice on something like school sports whatever. Then have her open up about her husband when she starts saying what a prick he is tell her she is the most amazing woman you have ever met. THEN BANG HER.


Just google it. I've heard songs I like on SYTYCD before and I googled it and I found a site with all the songs from a particular season. Just try typing in "SYTYCD 2011 hip-hop song" or something. You just have to dig a little! Honestly, asking people on here will take so much longer.

Don't you still have a nagging doubt about the big bang and inflationary universe scenario?

I have doubts, to be honest. The theory is based on the current state of the Universe expanding at an accelerating rate, which is true. But by deduction, the Big Bang theory plays back the process of expansion, and arrives at the only conclusion that a "playback" of expansion can arrive at: that all mass and energy must therefor have started from a point of singularity. We are basing this theory on a very short period of observations and postulating a theory to define a Universe that is over 13 billion years old. We don't have more than theoretical constructs for the nebulous ideas of Dark Energy and Dark Matter. The Universe is a vast, immensely old and complicated thing. It seems like a large step to accept the Big Bang at this point based on our actual scientific knowledge. In addition, accepting the concept of an infinitely small point of space containing all of the Universe's mass and energy, and then "exploding" for some unknown reason takes a leap of faith, just as the concept that an omnipotent deity created the Universe. Faith is a poor substitute for sound conclusions made by the scientific method. Big Bang theory may be correct, but I do have my doubts.

Irrational self-doubt vs. and honest recognition of one's limitations?

A funny thing about reality is that it works. So when we get big headed and don't know it, usually reality will win out and we learn what we can and can not do. And what one might be able to do is no indication someone else can do the same thing. It takes all of us doing what we can and cant do to find the way that works for all or most of us. Some of us learn from this and some don't. If you want to do something and don't try you will never know.

What is the role of Lignin in supporting woody parts of plants?

hope this helps a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Is this poem too short and thin?

Not at all, I think you did some interesting work on the alliteration. This form is modernist, and similar to the African American jazz poets, and some Indian poets.

I have a sort of twitching problem.?

About 15 years or so ago i suddenly developed a problem. One day I was very tired and layed down for a nap, facing the wall. All of a sudden I felt someone push my shoulder real hard ( I was all alone in the house). After that i noticed every time I was falling asleep ,something would move. Then I didn't even have to be falling asleep any more, it would just happen any time I was resting.I'm talking about my hand, foot, hips, shoulders, waist anything. Sometimes I sleep with my hand under my cheek, and all of a sudden it just pulls out from under my cheek. I have learned that the more tired or stressed out I am the worse it gets, if not then I just get a very mild twitch. Oh, and if its a really big one, sometimes in the blink of an eye I get like a teeny little tickle on my back before it happens. I've always wondered if it's some kind of epilepsy. Does anybody know anything?

Any Toy Story 1 posters like this?

So, I was in my basement and discovered and awesome Toy Story poster! My older brother loves Toy Story as much as I do. I was so excited to find it! I ran upstairs and claimed my dibs on the poster. I was sad to find out that a neighbor actually gave the poster to my brother when he was little, but my parents said that there were TWO posters. The other one is no where to be found. My brother might end up taking this poster so I was wondering if I could find another print of this poster somewhere online. It's a picture of Buzz and Woody looking at each other and it's sunset. Find the poster=you get 10 points for best answer! :D

Senegal parrot mating?

My boy is sweet to her, he'll touch her beak and then she will start to bite so then he puts his head down. What does this mean? I don't know if this has to do anything with it but they seem to blink with eachother? Any idea? Any way to make it better? Thanks!

What do we mean when we say a black hole is like a hole in the observable universe?

First time i hear this kind of description for a black hole and i think it it probably came out from someone who mixed up astronomical terminology. The most common description is "a hole or rip in the fabric of space time" which again is a quite simplifying way to put it.

Where can you get the funny t shirts you see on disney channel shows?

You know how the charaters on Suite life on deck and other shows have those really cool or funny shirts (like Cody and Woody wear) where can i get those? I looked on Zazzle but i couldnt find them. Thanks for the help

Why don't turn signals ever blink at the same rate, ever?

Have you ever noticed that no matter how many cars you compare against or how precise you are with trying to synchronize they will never ever ever ever never match exatcly? I mean there has to be two cars that are the same. It is driving me freaking crazy.

Chocolate/Black Labrador names? Male?

Woody is super cute! I like how then u would have two dogs related to toystory :D and if there was a different name I think tornado!! Good luck with your new puppy!

Why am I always turned on?

I'm a 15 year old male. I'm always turned on. I get these moments when I'm with my girlfriend to were I just want to like do something sexual. It was never like this. But it starting to get a little weird. I get these 'woodys' when I'm with ny girlfriend and she has seen it before. She just laughs. Ive been talking to my girlfriend about sex. And she wants too but she also wants to wait. And her playing hard to get seems to make me turned on even more. What's the reasoning for this. Haha

'Evolution is an observed fact' - Where?

Of course it's not. And those supporting it know it. They take bits and pieces of information from variations and adaptions and use that as proof . That's no more proof for evolution than stating because a convertible car can put it's top down therefor it has the ability to turn into a motorcycle.

Have you survived Chuck E Cheese?

I'm so sorry you had to go to Chuck E Cheese. I've been before, as a kid. I was one of the monsters running around.... I had LOTS of energy as a child. I've also been this year (I'm now 18) to take my five year old cousin..... ekkk! There were to many kids, I couldn't keep up with my cousin, all the bright lights, crappy pizza, never again. It's fun when your the kid, but when your taking a kid? Nope!

Who are the funniest Sports figures, past or present?

Who do you guys think the funniest sports figures are past or present, it can be baseball, basketball, soccer, football, tennis, lax, anything. Name Multiple if possible. They can be active, or announcers or reporters or people that have passed on. I think Yogi Berra, Steve Nash, Nick Swisher, Ken Griffey Jr. , Bob Uecker, Johnny Damon is pretty funny, Shaq is always hilarious, even when he's mad, Chad Ochocinco, Denver Post sports columnist Woody Paige, and I honestly think the funniest baseball player right now is Giant's closer Brian Wilson. What do you guys have in mind?

Why are Rainbows Circular?

I know that Rainbows are circular, but that is just observable. When I researched rainbows, I learned that they are created from light refracted from raindrops; however aren't raindrops "drop" shaped, with a point at the top, which is caused by drag. Wouldn't that create a rainbow that looks more like a McDonald's Arch?

The theory is NOT evolution itself!?

I understand exactly what you're saying, and I did already know it. But hey, if people don't understand the difference between abiogenesis and evolution, and mention the Big Bang theory as part of evolutionary theory, what can you expect?

Cognitive perspective- pscyhology question?

You can cross out "a," "b," and "c" because they talk about behavior. Cognitive means to think. Therefore, the answer is "d."

Is the universe a bubble?

It is hard to describe the shape of something which exists in more than the three spatial dimensions which we experience.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

How are angiosperms different than other types of plants?

angiosperms are different of all coz they're phanerogams means they produce flowers. Option C. is correct.

Papaya tree is woody stem or soft stem?

It's a soft stem. Woody stems are stems that are thickly covered. As in very thick. And papaya tree isn't one.

My hp laptop won't work. ?

Well I have a HP laptop and it won't turn on. I tired to reboot by turning it off taking the battery out and unplugging it multiple times. It still hasn't worked. I know that it's somewhat alive because the cap lock key and the scroll/number lock key are blinking. It hasn't been working since June 22. I would like to know the cheapest, easiest way possible. I have a Person who will fix the laptop for free but I won't be able to get my laptop fixed until Thursday.

Which Hayes embarrassed themselves more?

Darren singing next to someone who could actually sing a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a or Woody punching a mouthy, trash talking linebacker that needed to be punched? a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What's your favourite comedy movie?

my personal favourite is kingpin (woody harrelson and randy quaid are great in this movie, which also stars bill murray in one of his best ever roles in Ernie 'Big Ern' McCracken), with Anchorman a close second.

My ipods screen keeps going white?

My ipod screen was blinking white here and there, then finally it went white and kept white, i reset it and pluged it in and it went back to normal. but then again it locked on its own when i left it open and now its white,i pluged it into the computer and it went back, i took it off and let it lock on its own, it went white, why does it keep doing this?

What lies beyond the observable universe?

You've not fully grasped what you have said. You've correctly stated that space itself is expanding but then ask what it is expanding in to. It isn't expanding to anything: it is an expansion _of_ space, not _in_to_ space. When you view the expansion as a property of the space itself (and not anything that may be in that space) the question of what it is expanding into isn't something that arises.

Do you ever fantasize about your classmates in class?

like when you're bored and there's a random cute or hot girl sitting near you and you cant help but get a woody and daydream. am i the only one who does that?

Do you say random things out of nowhere?

I heard it's amazing that the purple stuffed worm in flap jaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on hari kari rock! I need scissors!! 61!!!

Is the number of Stars in the sky increasing over time?

Hi. You do not say how you are observing the stars. Visible to your naked eye? Only the occasional supernova such as 1987A. Not very many disappear over a life time. But I think you are speaking in the sense of Olbers paradox. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What guitar amp did Tom delonge use in Blink 182 back in 1992-1996?

what guitar amp did tom delonge use for blink in flyswatter, cheshire cat, and dude ranch? around from when they started to dude ranch.

Spiritually speaking, what makes you confident your beliefs are correct?

Atheist, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Catholic, etc... what has caused you to accept your beliefs as correct? Additionally, how much do you rely on "feelings" in forming your beliefs? In the case of the religious amongts us, do you "feel" the spirit/love of God (whatever you wish to call it) or base your beliefs on observable fact? Does feeling something is true mean it is? Do facts you haven't personally tested but only learned from a reliable source?

My segate Harddrive is not detected on my pc.?

At the beginning it was running fine but after a few months it stopped detecting and also the light blinks on the harddrive but is not detected on my pc

Simply looking for the truth.?

Great series of questions. I think unbelief is for people like Tina, who only have a smug attitude which confesses little intelligence and not being able to see beyond herself; I bet she looks in the mirror and smiles, not knowing she appears to be an empty shell. Anyways, it's good to see your sincerity at asking these things. If more people were like you, the world would be a better place.

Question for those who think the descriptions of behemoth and leviathan in the Bible are hippos and crocs?

I've heard quite a few Christians here and in real life suggest that the descriptions of the Behemoth and the Leviathan in the Bible were actually attempts to describe hippopotami, crocodiles, or similar mundane animals. If you believe that, with such fantastic desriptions (like breathing fire and laser-like eyes) how does that affect your view of the Bible's description of other things that are less readily observable, such as Heaven, angels, gods, Hell, etc?

Basic question about dark matter/energy?

Is there any hard evidence which suggests that these things exist? Or is it just a "placeholder" used to explain observable phenomena in the terms of currently existing framework (physics). So in other words it's quite possible that these things don't exist at all and these are just the effects of not yet understood properties of gravity/mass/etc?

What will happen if i stop talking the Nitrous oxide supplement after taking it for a an year ..any observable?

i am a week off already and i am facing severe headaches ,,,is that because of this ..please donot give random answers ...prob'ly the ones who are using this or prob'ly an experienced body builder or a doc can help meh out i guess ..

Is my cellphone broken for good?

I dropped my phone at night about a week ago and couldn't find I until the next morning. The stickers inside said there was no water damage but when I opened the back there was water in it. I put it in rice for 2 days and it worked fine for 3 days except the "up" volume button on the side didn't work but I can just do that through settings. Today I dropped it on the ground (which I've done a million times) and I put the battery back in and it didn't turn on. When I plug it in to charge the first screen when turning it on just blinks on and off. What happened to it? Is the battery fried? I kinda want to get a new phone anyway.

Atheists: The "First Law of Thermodynamics" Proves the Existence of God?

This law (note: not a theory but a scientific law) teaches us that matter and energy can neither be created nor destroyed. In other words, an honest scientist will tell you that there is nothing in the observable universe that can explain either the origin of energy or matter. By logical extension, then, matter and energy had to come into being by some force outside the universe.

Why do lights look like they are blinking from afar?

I was sitting on my balcony with my friend, that over looks the city and it looks like the lights are blinking. Why is that?

Problems in psychology?

Most people think that the brain is the mind There is an invisible Demon system that interferes with the mind

Outer corner of my eye is split?

A long time ago I had something hit my eye and the outer corner (closest to my ear) split. Now it looks like a V. The same thing happened to my other eye. I doesn't hurt but when I blink the moisture goes in the split. Never a problem, until I started wearing makeup. I can't put any eye liner near it because it leaks off. I've tried every type of eye liner. Is this normal for my eyes to have a corner split? How can I fix it?

What's wrong with my cell phone?

Got it wet, didn't you? Moisture is crossing contacts inside the phone causing you trouble. Try the rice trick. Google it. May or may not work, but worth a try.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My girlfriend is being a B?

it, happened the same whit me buddy, i really do feel you but, to, me was, totally the opposite LOL she wanted to have sex whit me, and.. i did'nt want to have sex whit her and she keep, being a b also to me and.. stuff and i got really tierd of, fighting every day over the same ****! sorry, my language LOL so what happend was, i broke up whit her the best thing to do? is just get rid of her i mean yea.. just brake up whit her do it right way, and.. you will find the right girl one day trust me!! well good luck buddy. :)

What is a method side effect?

I'm doing a few questions for this Java course that I'm taking and I'm having a hard time understanding what a side effect is. I know it's any observable modification to data outside the method, but I can't grasp my head around the idea. What would be a clear example of method side effects?

Trying to figure out this song!! help?

Okay the music video has all the band members glowing in the face, and the eyes are blinking at different times. The glowing slowly gets brighter, but its just them singing the song.Its all boys no girls, and the only words i know from it is "whoa oh, whoa oh, whoa oh" "ohhh ahhhhhh" ! sounds stupid but i dont know any of the words, and its more high pitched singing. I heard the song on pandora, but didnt thumbs up it, and i played the video but i just cant think of the song!! please help if you can!

What would be the difference between these reactions: CaCO3 in HCl, and CaCO3 in CH3COOH?

I know that HCl is a strong acid, and that CH3COOH is a weak base, but what observable differences would you see if the reactions took place?

Laptop won't even start...?

Hey guys and gals! I just bought a new laptop less than a month ago, it was working perfectly fine when suddenly it just died.

I'm in love with my 14 year old childhood friend?

I'm 19 and it's obvious that it's illegal to be in a relationship with a 14 year old. For some odd reason this girl caught my interest 4 years ago. I've grown up with her and her brother as my best friends. She matured within a blink of an eye and had a lot of things in common with me. I loved listening to her tell me her secrets and problems, and how she would flirt with me. A year or two ago she actually started to gain feelings for me, but she was in a relationship. After that visit she totally just cut connections with me until she broke up with her bf. We reconnected soon after but every time I see her now it's like I can't stop being around her and I want to be with her, but due to the age difference it isnt possible. I decided I'd wait until she was of age, but it's killing me on the inside. Should I just let her go after loving her all this time? Should I move on due to me being and idiot? I don't know what to do.

Why do human beings think that the entire universe was just created for their benefit?

The delusion is completely absurd. I mean can you seriously not see how absolutely and entirely insignificant we are. I can see it so clearly, but not many other people seem to be able to realise this. There are billions and billions of galaxies in the observable universe. And each of them contains hundreds of billions of stars. In one of these huge galaxies, orbiting one of these average stars lies a very small blue planet. And this planet is run by a bunch of talking apes who want to be something else....In the grand scheme of things, we are nothing. (Although we are significant to our loved ones, that is what matters)

Astronomy physics questions I need answering urgently please.?

Hm. That sounds like a fairly respectable sophomore astronomy test. Answering the first question requires that you understand spherical trigonometry (or just find and apply the formulas) and coordinate transformations. You might also need to reduce the orbital elements of Earth and Venus to determine the right ascension and declination of the sun and Venus on a specific date. I could do those things for you, but you really ought to do them yourself. I'd not help a woman seeking to become a firefighter over the obstacle course wall, either, even though it might be the one time she'd let me put my hands on her butt.

How to make fairy wings out of household items?

My friend and I really want to be fairies for Halloween. My aunt is a fashion designer so she is making the dresses of our dreams but we used our wing money so that she could pay for the materials. So we need to know how to make wings out of things that could be outside (we live in a woody place) or just laying around the house. Coat hangers might work we just want them to look nice and match our dresses (one's pink and green and one's dark blue and light blue). Please help and if you are chosen as the best answer we will send you a picture of what they look like. Thanks to those that help!

In which Woody Allen movie...?

In which Woody Allen movie a shrink laughs at the patient and walks out of the room? Attention: patient is not interpreted by Woody.

Defining God and applying the defined term to naturalism...?

According to the naturalist, the universe is expanding and thus inherently began recently. Because all causes require an effect by nature, something must have produced the observable cosmos. By nature, this "creator", rather he be intelligent and personal or dimwitted and impersonal, must be transcending and eternal. Is a transcending and eternal creator considered a God? If so, why do naturalists such as atheists claim to believe that a "God" is not necessary in the creation of the observable cosmos?

What to do w/ a swollen upper eyelid?

Sounds like a stye in ur eye to me Wich is basically an ingrown eye lash if I'm not mistaken. They wont always be red. A good thing for that is a hot tea bag. I usually heat a cup of hot water and dunk the tea bag in it and let it sit in my eye until its not hot anymore just don't make it too hot to where it scolds you. Make it hot enough to stand but not burn. This helps with the swelling and discomfort. Hope this helps. Even if its not a stye it will still help with swelling ad discomfort.

Having trouble with my eyes.?

so when i blink sometimes something comes and makes me see all blury but if i blink again it goes away this happens in both eyes and i have no clue what it is, also sometimes i get like bright lights that will randomly appear, help?!? am i going blind? i'm 15 btw.

Side kick lx 2009 whats wrong with it?

About 3-4 days ago me and my fiance were eating breakfast and i dropped the phone.. OOPSY :( well later that day we noticed our service/signal thing kept blinking and kept saying searching. Now it shuts its self off and on about 20 times a day. We got the phone from a friend and lord knows how many times its been thrown and dropped. But even before it's never phased it. Should we call T-mobile and ask them? or just wait and see if it fixes it self...whats going on here?

BAD or GOOD idea for a story? (Fairly short)?

That sounds really good! Although don't make the romance part too overly dramatic. And for the title out of your two I think I like Paused better. Or maybe When Time Stood Still. Anyway it sounds good, keep working on it!

Is the observable universe of a distant galaxy very different than our observable universe?

Would it be an accurate comparison, with the exception that our position is emitting the light, to say that the universe is like standing in a very large dark room (possibly infinite) holding a lantern and our visible universe would be the objects that the lantern casts light on?

Is Having a woody at randoms times the same as just before making love?

It doesn;t get bigger, as size is size, but it can get harder, as anticipation is now coming into play

My mother's tv is acting wired?

my mom has one of those big screen tvs 50 inch, its the phillips model made in 2004 i don't think they make them like that anymore but it doesn't come on the power button just blinks on and off what could be the problem

Are these berries poisonous?

It sounds like you have a Mulberry tree growing in your backyard. Yes they look like blackberries. They are not poisonous. They don't taste bad, but they don't exactly taste good either. The juice from the berries will stain anything they fall onto. This will grow into a medium sized tree in about 15 years.(makes good shade). The birds like the berries,and the birds may have "planted" the one in your yard.

Car problems, car is losing power and dieing?

So my car died at a gas station and I got it jumped . 5 minutes after driving the cd player started blinking off and on and this weird light came on with a ! and a circle around it. then i lost power and i couldnt go past 40 mph then as soon as i pulled on the side of the road it died again i got someone to jump it and i made it 5 more minutes then it did that stuff again and then the whole trunk filled with smoke and it died the battery is in the trunk. I drive a 1993 bmw 325i

What would disprove your beliefs, to you?

I would believe in god if there were a logical proof or sound argument. Sometimes I think I hear one and entertain the notion before resolving it.

Centurylink internet box not turning on?

I have century link or embarq and the box for the internet is not turning on! When turned on its supposed to blink flashing lights...can anyone help? BTW I'M WRITING THIS FROM MY PHONE INTERNET

What is the white and gray looking on my eyes?

top part of the iris of my eye i notice a gray white looking color on the iris of my eye its not a thin line it looks like its spread like into the iris part of my eye i was wandering if its something i should be concern about im wandering what is it i know there is a thin circle around the iris of the eye but this is actually going into the iris .if you have an ideal what it is please answer and please don't answer if you have insults. sometimes my vision its not blurry but more like if you wake up and the focus is off not in a blurry way ......its kinda hard to explain you have to blink a little to get the focus right i dont know .i havent been to the doctor because the focus isnt blurry but i just notice the stain because i thought i had something in my eye and i notice the stain

What should I do with my laptop? some water spilled on it?

water was spilled on my laptop and i dont know for how long it had been soaked in water, maybe at most 5 hours. at first, when i discovered it, the standby signal was on but it wasn't blinking. i was sure though that i turned it off last night. pressed the CTRL key, then it really went off. seconds later, it turned itself on. i would have stopped it but then i decided to wait what would happen, anyway i didn't do anything to it. but when the OS started running, it hung up. so i immediately removed the battery to stop any further damage. i left it turned upside down for two hours hoping it would drain the rest of the water. i turned it on afterwards but it wont!

What could be the possible causes of for a lack of PCR product?

After performing PCR to amplify DNA sequnce and running a gel to assess the product, you notice that there is no observable product. what could be the list of causes and what controls could help give you an idea of the problem?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Which Antique Car Would You Pick?

You'd have a helluva time driving, let alone maintaining a 1915 Cadillac. The Woody wagon would also require a great deal of constant attention. You'd be better off with the Super Deluxe convertible. It's a pretty straight forward, manual transmission car for which there is a great deal of support through the Early Ford V8 Club of America amongst other Ford specific clubs.

Sarah Palin looks a little like Woody Woodpecker when she has her hair pulled back?

It's funny, a lot of the people in the news right now look like cartoon characters ,or fictional beings, Obama looks exactly like "Curious George " ( except George doesn't have a purple wart next to his nose), Michelle Obama looks just like Chewbacca, the Wookie, and Barney Frank looks and sounds like Fog-Horn Leg-Horn ...comical isn't it..?

Are total eclipses, which are only observable on earth, coincidences or evidence of intelligent design?

During a total eclipse in 1919, astronomers confirmed that gravity affects light, confirming Einstein's theory of general relativity. General relativity implied an absolute beginning to space, time, matter, and energy in the Big Bang, which was confirmed by observations of an expanding universe. Because the Big Bang could not owe to natural causes, which require space, time, matter, and energy, it implies a supernatural origin of the universe--that it was created by God. Doesn't this imply that God arranged for this discovery?

Please tell me what seat i have?

I don't know if you've already checked, but, usually on the Arena's website there is always a seating chart/map that you can see online and even print out. Might be worth looking at.

Infinity of points in space and masses?

I see your point. In a 3d universe, points, lines, and flat planes do not have volume because they are less than 3 dimensions. But does a 3 dimensional area have volume in a 4d universe, and therefore mass? I don't know.

What's wrong with my computer boot?

It boots as normal, showing the manufacturing detail and then it goes to a black screen with only an "_" symbol blinking on and off. It won't proceed after that. What kind of a problem is this? There's no blue screen of death or any error message at all.

Is the Honda Civic Tour concert safe?

Is this concert, featuring My Chemical Romance and Blink 182 safe for my son to go to, with his brother?

Why does the bone near my temple ache?

I am NOT a doctor, but when I chew, and smile, I get the same pain there, Maybe you did that to much XD

Theists you do know the definition of evolution right?

It is merely the change of alleles in a population very observable. You should be attempting to argue against the theory of natural selection that is to say the driving force behind evolution. However let me ask you this if our 'creator' intelligently designed us why does our vertebrae still resemble that from when we were tetrapods leading to severe back problems? Not to mention that Palaeontology reveals 99.9% of species to have ever existed have gone extinct, this leads to me to the belief that either the peer reviewed theory of natural selection is true (note creationism isn't even a theory by the scientific community) or that our designer is not intelligent. (Pastafarinaism is a great choice to believe in then) Explain your thinking Cheers!

What kind of hat is Woody Harrelson wearing in the movie 2012?

I'd say it's a Kufi, an West African hat, also worn by Muslims as a prayer cap. See some here a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Am I the only one that thinks Woody from Toy Story got a bum wrap?

He lost both loves of his life. Bo Peep was assumably donated, and even before that she had fallen for Buzz. Jessie fell for Buzz. All he gets is ignored. Does anyone else think he got a bum wrap?

Examples of herbaceous and woody plants????helpp please!?

I need to know 2 examples of hardwood dicots and one example of a herbaceous dicot. I also need to know an example of herbaceous monocot.I need this for a really big plant project and i can not find it on the internet.. i would really really appreciate the help...

According to the definition of a black hole, isn't our observable universe one?

If you really want to have your mind blown, do the calculations for the escape velocity of the observable universe, based on estimated mass and radius. By that definition, the OU *is* a black hole.

Where are the people?

You are applying the growth rates of a modern, industrialised world to the time of Jesus. Surely you see the problem with that?

How long will it be before there is a new date for the end of the world?

"The world is going to end" is the human race's special way of saying "If we stop existing, so does everything else!"

Problem with disk drive on Dell Dimension 5150?

Its time to replace the DVD drive - Try to update the firmware from the support site - but it looks like a faulty drive. Check link below for the Dimension 5150 Drivers

Does anybody else find Google add about gays disturbing?

This add was aired during Survivor finally and showed gay man from every walks of life and even Woody from Toy Story saying "It will get better, partner". The add was suppose to be about bullying which is a very bad thing but showcasing gay man and their life style was very inappropriate and disturbing.

Atheists are you aware that the "FOSSIL RECORDS" clearly favors the Biblical Flood not Evolution?

Even the Hopi Indians (Book of the Hopi, Frank Waters) speaks of a great flood. There are other cultures that have stories of a great flood. There was probably a great flood. Ok. No argument. That obviously was part of the earth's evolution. Perspective. There is more than one way to tell the same story.

Why won't my iPod Shuffle charge?

Okay, so it's plugged into my laptop and it's connected to iTunes. But it won't charge. So here's the thing--it's an iPod Shuffle, kinda new (well, compared to some since I bought it in February) and while it's synced to iTunes, the iPod itself has an orange light blinking on it. But for some reason it has low battery and though I've charged it for 7+ hours the charge hasn't gone up at all. And not only that, but it shouldn't be on low battery, because I used it a couple of days ago,and it was full, and though I only used it for 30 min or so and then the next day it had low battery. Also my computer has been on for the whole 7 or so hours, and not even in sleep mode either. I don't get why it's not charging...any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :)

Hitong g-scooter wire harness?

I bought a hitong gas scooter electric start head lights blinks horn and has a key and when I bought it I looked at it and everything waz unpluged can some show me where these wires go like an owners manual or something

Help making the Tribal Ballerina in Toy Story 3 on XBox?

In Woody's roundup, I have been trying all sorts of combos for the tribal ballerina. Nothing seems to be working - anyone have a detailed description of what I need to do. I can't find anything online either.

Why Dallas have Mediterranean Style Houses?

Is it normal that Dallas have Mediterranean Style Houses? Now the only Mediterranean style houses in Dallas is worth a million dollars and up, so they're luxurious, but I thought only places closer to the ocean (Florida, Southern Texas, and California) will have Mediterranean style houses. Dallas is more country and woody ( I love Dallas btw) to have Mediterranean style homes, plus, it snows in the winter and Mediterranean style homes don't belong in the snow. So can someone PLEASE tell me what is the purpose of Dallas having Mediterranean Style Homes! Thank You :-)

Is it possible that a droid 2 be manufactured without an led light?

My led has never blinked once since owning the phone. I've searched everywhere on the phone for this setting, only finding "turn led on"...which in turn does nothing. What are your thoughts?

Where is the proof of evolution?

Evolution is not observable so it can not be proved. Science says something has to be observed to be proved. Evolutionists say it has to be observed over time but no one has lived that long to observe it so no one can prove it. And you think you can prove it with fossils? So basically your basing the history of the earth on rocks you find in mud. That is pitiful.

Best O-line in the NFL (excluding New Orleans?

I Think The Miami Dolphins Could Have The Best O-line With Mike Pouncey They Could Be One Of The Top Line's In The League

Why/how do anti-evolution Christians reject the modern day frame-shift mutation that produced nylon....?

FAIL!!!! It started as a bacterium and is still a bacterium, that means it didn't evolve, it adapted, big difference.

Olympus PEN E-PL1 aperture help?

On the 'M/Manual' dial everything is very dark. When I click the 'Up' arrow to change aperture (the left and right arrow keys) it changed but there is still the scale with a blinking -3.0 that doesn't change with it. So the picture is always dark and I can't turn it back. How do I change it back? (Resetting didn't work & it's perfectly fine on the A/Aperture dial.) Here's a [crappy phone] picture of what's going on: a href="" rel="nofollow"

I'm writing a story, is this a good example of an character with claustrophobia? What can i do to improve it?

Ravens share their subconscious with Noahs Ark. Crows are better. The Ark was Yaweh's until The Shark got it. Larma is the accumulation of magical energy accrued by the causal effect of life interracting on the environment. The paranormal is fuelled by injustice, good is better than bad. This is the end of times, decadence and promiscuity is rife. The West is being financed by the East to spread...

Is the Bible really just junk Science?

The bible is not science and no person of reasonable intelligence would say it is. The bible is a way for the leaders of people thousands of years ago to control the population and keep some sort of moral direction in their lives.

Science help please?!?!?!?!?!?

Man you need more English help then science help. I'd love to answer these but I don't know where the questions are

Monday, July 18, 2011

When atheists get a woody, do they consider that evolution?

Atheists? So now you have to be an Atheist to accept visible facts? Yeah, I bet Satan placed those dinosaur bones in the dirt.

Why are Asian men not popular with American girls?

I dont mean disrespect to Americans but Asian men are not liked in the USA. American women do not like by Asian men and this includes the Asian women in the USA. Did you know that in the USA Flava Flav and Woody Allen are more of sex symbols than the likes of Edison Chen and Takeshi Kaneshiro. We Asian men cannot find happiness here in the USA. We must go abroad atleast, I dont know where but we cant stay here.

Describe the observable symbols, ceremonies, dress, etc. that contributed to this culture. What values did eac?

Your question is incomplete and without knowing what culture you are asking about we can't help you.

Okay so on my blackberry bold..?

yeah so my blackberry turned off and i turned it back on but the light stays red then blinks four times and stops. then blinks four times again. and keeps doing that and i took the battery out and tried starting it again and it wont hook up to my computer cuz when its plugged in its not recognized. know how to fix it!? yes? then tell me and ill love you forever(:

What's an example of organization and design and inter-working systems coming from utter chaos?

Wait this is a trick question, because no where in the observable universe has it happened. If life began spontaneously then why can't scientists anywhere produce a single example of life being created? Yeah ok evolutionists.

Code for the "blink and it's over" theme on tumblr?

My theme on tumblr is currently crap. I'm, like, in love with ^^that^^ theme. Problem is I don't have credit card or any money at all for that matter and I can't buy it. If you could send the code to me in my ask box that would be very very awesome. I will hardcore promote you and follow you and reblog all of your stuffs. Thank you bunches. :) wouldn't allow me to take pictures, why?

It always says "no camera found on this computer, or your webcam is in use by another application". My laptop has a camera and it actually blinks after the confirmation. Anyone who's familiar with laphotocabine? help please.

Do men get a "woody" every time they kiss a girl, whether they like (or fancy) her or not?

It literally all depends on if the guy is attracted to the girl or not. Also, the wood can happen at any time and is usually unpredictable

Has anyone else noticed that in this forum when an international boxer becomes REALLY BIG, Americans hate?

No i haven't notice, but then again i am pretty new in here. Americans in general, are not the easiest people to give credit to foreigners though, they usually think that they are the best in everything. Most Americans think that the whole world is revolved around the US, don't take it personally, it's just ignorance and lack of exposure to other nations and cultures.

Which is the real universe as far as we're concerned?

We observe the radius of the universe to be about 13,7 billion light years based on the age of the universe being 13.7 billion years. Other commentators suggest the figure 'now' corrected for light lag is about 46,5 billion light years radius, if the word 'now' has any real meaning in this context. And then of course there is Alan Guth's Inflationary Theory, which suggests the universe is many orders of magnitude greater still because space expanded many orders of magnitude faster than the speed of light in its earliest moment (far less than a second) and for the briefest of moments (far less than a second), and has since slowed. 'Now' space appears to be accelerating again due to mysterious 'dark energy', increasing the radius of the inflationary universe which might already be 10^120 times greater than the observable universe. So, which is the real universe; the one we can observe, the one we observe but has moved on, or the one we extrapolate to be far far greater still?

How many particles are there in the universe?

"There are 10 million million million million million million million million million particles in the universe that we can observe. Your mama took the ugly ones and put them into one nerd."

If the earths rotation decreased, there would be an increase in the?

Suppose that the earth rotates slowly, this means it will take longer time to complete one revolution around its axis. That is, it faces sun for extra time and on the other hand, the opposite side will be in dark for more time. So it leads to the extension of day time, i.e. Length of the earth day will increase.

How can I relieve pain of multiple yellow fly/ horse fly bites?

I would put some topical benadryl or anti-itch to stop the itching. After that, perhaps an Ibuprofen to help with the swelling. Then I would call the local clinic and ask them.

What evidence that if shown to you would result in you accepting the theory of evolution as fact?

The problem is that evolution has been observed and documented. But fundies do not accept evolution because a dog does not produce a cat, but that would be going from species to genus to family to genus to species. You cannot argue with those absurdities and they think they are being intelligent. When you argue with an idiot they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

What is a good nickname to give to a boy that he could use with his friends?

My step sons name is Jesse Woodrow Deucher-Rubin he thinks Jesse/Jess are to girly of names and as he is moving into high school is hoping to get a "cool" nickname. Suggestions can be of names that have to do with Jesse Woodrow (no Woody or Jay I already tried) it could also do with what he is like which in summary he is short has black hair and green eyes he golfs, swims and plays basketball he is also quite the charmer with the ladies as well as a total goof ball. Suggestions could also be nicknames that are very general. If you could also give advice about how he can get his old friends to use this nickname that would be great! Thanks!

Do people honestly think people choose to be gay?

Now straight guys! Did you "choose" to get a woody from watching Pam Anderson's big boobs bounce up and down on "Baywatch" when you were 12? I don't think so!!

Hi i am using sony vaio laptop HDD is 250gb and OS is vista my laptop is very slow even while opening a doc?

here is a website that may help a href="" rel="nofollow"

99 subaru AT OIL TEMP light?

i have a 1999 subaru outback station wagon. i started it up and drove it to work this morning, cold start and no warmup time. about 4 maybe 5 miles into the drive my AT OIL TEMP light is blinking. never done it before. started the car up after i was done at work, and it did not come on. i looked up some info online and most places say its the auto transmission fluid. i had the transmission flushed and refilled back in february since i blew a tranny seal/gasket and the fluid was old. the route is a stop and go style and theres a good amount of steep grades, but i did not go up any steep grades much today before the light went on, maybe a couple hundred feet.should i see a mechanic immediately or not?

Why am I getting white hair at the age of 18?

I first started noticing them when I was 17, a senior in high school. They seem to be increasing in number...I pull them out all the time and I usually get about twenty or so every month. That's just the observable ones; I'm sure there are others (less noticeable, in the process of changing color, or too short to pull out) that I haven't reached so that the actual number is probably closer to 40~50. Why am I getting so much white hair? They're not gray or even regular white either; they're silvery and shimmer in the light. Once in a while I also notice that it's actually pale blonde instead of silver (really weird considering I'm asian). My mom thinks its stress + lack of sleep. I think it's probably those factors, plus some vitamin/mineral deficiency or other lifestyle problem that I'm not aware of. Any ideas?!

Why did Andy donate all of his toys to Bonnie at the end of Toy Story 3?

The toys want to play by kids again because if Andy puts them in the attic that no one will play with them. Or if Andy takes Woody to college that's not good because they will miss him. The toys want to play by kids but they should can play by themselves in the attic and Andy shouldn't give Woody away because he was from his father's toy that he gave Woody to Andy.

Windows 7 boots to a BLACK screen with no cursor, unable to use f8 function?

Im using a toshiba satellite L505D ES5024 and when I turn the computer on, it would boot to the toshiba screen, and then a blinking underscore would appear on the top left corner and dissapear. The screen will then remain blank as I have left it like this for an hour already.. I have no windows 7 disc, and the f8 function does NOT work. it only leads to the same blank screen. I would appreciate any help. Thank you


Plain and simple an allusion is a literary reference to something that is not common knowledge. An example of a SONG that uses allusion is Good Charlotte's "Silver Screen Romance" To begin with the title of the song is an allusion because it isn't common knowledge that black and white movie's are also referred to as "Silver Screen Films" as the Chorus goes "You're my Bette Davis, I'm your Cary Grant" this is an allusion because it is not common knowledge that Bette Davis and Cary Grant are famous for acting together in black and white romance flicks, but is being referred to in order to illustrate this couple having an old school romance.

Poll: What songs have fond memories attached to them for you?

Choose You by Stan Walker, it's the one song I've ever found anywhere (I am a music lover i listen to a lot of things) that accurately portrays love. Not lust or anything ... the love you can hold out for years and years without doing it, the one you dont divorce and the one you and your spouse stay together for a lifetime without ever cheating on each other. Yeeah. My husband and I like this one. Lol :)

Arrange these reduction half-reactions in order of decreasing E volts.?

You would need to take a look at a standard e volt chart to find the values, and then compare them and organize them into decreasing order. Also, once you find the standard reduction chart, if the equation in the chart is the reverse of the three choices given, make sure you flip the sign of the e volt. Sorry if I'm wrong, going off of recent memory

Acu-rite 00896 Digital Wireless Rain gauge problem?

Yes my parents had an Acu-rite Digital Wireless Rain Gauge just sitting in its package in the house for about a year or so. Hadn't been opened or used. I thought I would open it and set it up for them. I open it and do as the instructions tell me to do. Place batteries in the indoor receiver first, then put batteries in the outdoor receiver. It shows that it connect but the problem is. the low battery light on the outdoor receiver keeps blinking and they are brand new batteries. i tried different ones and the problem is the same. I know its an old rain gauge but does anyone know what is going on with this thing?? I have googled everywhere and found nothing to help considering its older. Help would be much appreciated.

Why do so many of us think a Free Market would inspire more capitalism, when a safety net inspires new venture?

If you're afraid that if your business fails you'll find yourself slaving at Wal Mart when you're 80, then you don't take the risk opening a Cafe, or factory, or clothing store in your home town. But, if you know there's a safety net there, then you feel the individual freedom necessary to take that risk. Therefore social democracy inspires more capitalism than Ayn Rand style free markets. This explains why it's an observable fact that Germany and England, with strong social safety nets, have more new capitalism than Somalia, a free market system.

Christians: Tell me of your non-ambiguous answered prayer?

When a prayer is answered that could be a coincidence, even twice the same but when numerous prayers over a lifetime are answered then the reality of a living God isn't a coincidence. Many of these were answered in way that were and are beyond my abilities. The answered promises and prayers over thousands of years is one of the reasons I'm a believer. We are never to presume upon the grace of God but definitely turn to him for our needs.

How come whenever I click the google chrome icon, it blinks red and then opens?

Whenever I click the icon to go to the internet, it glows a light red color then opens. I remember when I first downloaded it, whenever I would click it it would glow green. So does that mean that I need to update it or what?

What do you think of the name simba for my daughters kitten?

So my daughter has 2 kittens, buzz and woody. We have brought a third kitten as Buzz is ill, and I would like to know what you think of the name Simba. My daughter wants to call it Buzz the second but I perfer Simba. Sorry about the last question, i deleted it because what I wrote made no sense...

The bone near my eye F*CKING HURTS!?

You may have hit the spot that hurts or something and broke a bone there? Im not sure but go to the er its prob a easy fix

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Using unobservable infinite to get to observable finite?

Didnt really get one thing .. the observations we make about the real preceivable world are finite ... yet the processes we have for defining these finite outcomes involve infinite which is unobservable .. like area of circle is PI * R (squared) ... and Pi is an infinite rational number ... still we get the correct area of the circle which is finite and observable instance of the real world ...

Please show me an example of organization and design and inter-working systems coming from utter chaos?

Because that's what the big bang theory describes, but as far as I can tell no where in the observable universe does this happen. If life began spontaneously then why can't scientists anywhere produce a single example of life being created? Please I want actual answers evolutionists, not more insults and cop out answers flung my way.

Its 8th grade science and i really need to pass this, so can anyone help?

Cheating=To COPY an ENTIRE TEST from FLVS and post it onto a forum answering sight were the ENTIRE WORLD sees that you are a retard and don't know how to think for yourself....OPEN THE LESSON...all tests on FLVS are OPEN are just lazy and don't want to do the test yourself...YOU HAVE THE ANSWERS RIGHT THERE IN-FRONT OF YOU just OPEN them up!

Dirty insider duck names?

Soon I'm getting duckling to raise for the summer and I want to name them all names that can mean a guys crotch so far I have Peter, Richard, woody, and pecker I also want 1 totally random funny name like a very religious name lol go ahead an comment I'm a pervert or what ever you wish I'm just having some fun

Feels like something in my eye, after taking contacts out?

Alright so here's my problem. For the past few MONTHS i've been having problems with my eyes and feels like there is something in both of them. It definitely feels like particles are in my eyes, after I take out my contacts and some times very rarely I feel them when my contacts are in. If I blink hard I can feel the particles moving around, but if I don't they seem to settle behind my eye. I have tried eye drops, flushing, pulling my lid down, but that's about it. My eye exam dude looked at them, and he said they didn't see anything, and my eye looks perfect. Any suggestions on what to do to get it out? I am seriously fed up with having this stuff in my eyes... there is DEFINITELY something in there, I just cannot get it out. Also, when changing out my contacts I noticed there was a hole in one a few months ago, maybe that is in one of my eyes. I don't know for sure, but does anyone have any more suggestions? Maybe there is a product to dissolve the particles lol?

Refrigerator door light keep blinking?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

(SCARY) Why my computer screen kept blinking on and off after i put in the movie called the "DEVIL"?

i decided to put in a movie called "DEVIL" and soon i put the movie in and my computer screen started blinking on and off and it was around 3:00 A.M. Everyone was sleep but me and after i saw the computer screen blink then i heard some noise in the kitchen and then that's when i turn the movie off. Sometimes if i wake up in the middle of the night and it sound like someone walking up the stairs.

I will lose if I be myself?

It doesn't sound like you're just shy, it sounds like an insecure. The more outgoing you act, the more it will become natural. Good luck.

Does anybody have the lyric of the song "The Woody Woodpecker Polka", sung by The Starlighters?

I want to find that lyric, but i just can't. There are no websites with that information. Can someone type it for me or send me a link? Thanks.

How to to wire led bulbs to resistor to run off 9volt battery or lipo battery?

There is only one problem with paralleling LEDs . Blinkers do not parallel nicely. Seperate resistors are more expensive ( and weight) . Check into batteries & see if you can get an eveready # 246 battery . which is a 9 volt battery with 3 times the mA rating of a regular 9vdc battery.

What the hell does Justin Beiber have too do with toy story 4?

When I clicked yahoos trend "Toy Story 4" a picture of justin beiber and woody and buzz came up?

Can anybody recommend bands like these ones?

Metallica ( The Black, Jason Becker ( Perpetual Burn ), Yngwie Malmsteen ( Rising Force ), Chickenfoot (softer), Black Sabbath, G3, Ozzy Osbourne ( Blizzard Of Ozz )

What proof is there that the universe is expanding?

The evidence for the expanding universe comes from a measurement of the light spectrum coming from distant galaxies. The red shift in the light tells us that EVERY galaxy is moving away from every other, in other words expanding. Concurrently, the expansion of space itself, that you are having trouble comprehending, makes sense if you reason it out: At the time of the big bang the Universe took up much less space (it was the size of a tennis ball or so). There used to be less volume (space) in the universe and now there is more, so space is expanding. Not being able to visualize it, while annoying, does not stop it from being true.

Is evolution scientifically provable?

Yes, on the small scale of course. It would take thousands if not millions of years of observation to see the full impact of all of those small changes. If one were to place a little common sense to understand that a multitude of small changes over a span of a million years could result in a different specie, then there is little to question.

What kind of laugh do you have?

How do you laugh?wide open a squirrel or like monster or even like Jerry(from tom & jerry) or woody woodpecker?

Aren't all theological claims equally valid?

I think you are correct. I would go further and say that the entire subject of theology doesn't even qualify as a subject at all. If you take any field of study say physics it can be supported by evidence or is vulnerable to falsification. Either way our knowledge of the universe is advanced by just a little bit more. Theology seems to contradict itself it is a field of study that studies the unknowable. Which is impossible by definition. If such a thing as the supernatural exists and there is a god and he has opinions about human sexual behaviour, that is something that is fundamentally outside of physical reality and even if it really does exist you could never know anything about it. So yes I would say you are correct all theological claims are equally valid in that they are all absolutely useless.

Has any astronomer ever considered the possibility that the universe is smaller than the observable universe?

If the universe if finite and unbounded then there is no edge to the universe but there are a finite number of galaxies, same way there is no edge to the surface of a balloon or how in old video games when you fly off the top edge of the screen you end up at the bottom edge of the screen. That would mean we could be looking at the same galaxies at different angles and at different points in their history on opposite sides of our sky. If true there may be some similarities between the structures of cosmic filaments in different directions in space.

What is the rate of beneficial mutation in higher vertebrates?

That is an unanswerable question. Mutations are beneficial, neutral, or deleterious in relation to the environment. Is a paler moth or a darker one more likely to survive? That depends on where they rest and the background color. The classic example is Biston, the peppered moth, which became darker during the Industrial Revolution (soot-covered trees) and paler when the soot was cleaned up.

Blink 182, Box Car Racer, +44, Angels and Airwaves...?

I like Blink the best because it's the main band and has the greatest quantity of songs and the most that I enjoy. They are also more full sounding to me since Plus and Angels were resulting from the temporary Hiatus, and Box Car Racer is the side project. There are a few really dumb Blink 182 songs, but they were done mostly as jokes like when you f***** grandpa, I wanna f*** a dog in the @$$ and the bj song. My favorites BCR same. +44 same. Blink 182 either Adam's song, Dammit, or the Anthem part 2. Angels and Airwaves It hurts. I listen mostly to blink so I don't know the others as well though.

Why did my cat suddenly die?

I am completely devastated. So I went to bed around 4 am the other night and I heard a commotion in the living room. I assumed this was my two cats chasing each other like usual. I got up to see what they were doing and saw my cat Domino frantically trying to open the cupboard under the bathroom sink. He got it open and jumped in there. I crouched down to see him and noticed that he was on his side and he started twitching violently. I was going to pick him up to rush him to the animal hospital but he wouldnt stop shaking so I didnt touch him for a minute. Then his head went back and his paw twitched a few more times then he stopped moving. I started crying hysterically hoping he was not dead but I just knew. Then I noticed his eyes were wide open and he was not blinking. I literally saw the life go out of him and I knew he was dead. I cant understand why this happened. He was only 8 years old and I loved him so much. I didnt even know if he was sick the only thing out of the ordinary was that he got kind of skinny. I didnt think anything of it because his weight would fluctuate so much. I just feel so terrible I dont know if theres anything I could have done to save him. Why would a cat just suddenly die?

Christians: Do you believe atheists are brainwashed?

Actually its the oppisite. My parents brainwashed me about heaven and hell and im still scared as s h i ttt!

Atheists, why do you use phenomena to fill in the blanks?

Call me crazy, but uh, which eye-witness to creation are you talking about?? Please don't tell me you're talking about god right? Again, not for nothing, but if I did believe in god, I would find it pretty arrogant of the religious to believe that they would have the capacity to decipher what an all powerful and omniscient deity would think or feel. Just crazy if you ask me.

Was the Suite Life on Deck finale disappointing to you?

I dint like the zack and maya break up and I hope they make a new suite life show ANT farm isn't going to last long

Does some one know were can i find a woody mask if you guys know can u guys please tell me?

Before you go to sleep tonight, tell your boyfriend to wake you up in the morning with a woody mask.

How do you turn left at an intersection?

I'm in driver's training and I keep wondering about this question. If it's a protected left turn, what do you do if it is a blinking red light, or a blinking yellow light?

What Cartoon Character shall i draw?

What cartoon character shall i draw? i have already drawn tinkerbell, mickey mouse, woody, jessie and buzz lightyear

Can someone help? please :)?

does anybody know where can i download the game: Woody Woodpecker escape from buzz buzzard park? please =)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Headlights blink once then turn off ?

Basically that's it I just had it happen tonight and it seemed to be only when high beams were on but im unsure. I was driving and all of a sudden the headlights blinked off (not flickered, almost as if you turned them off) then came back on and then blinked off and did not come back on until I turned the head lights off and then back on again. Anyone have any clue as to what it may be?

HELP! Well priced quality perfume?

I don't know if Canada has Kohl's stores, but Sarah Jessica Parker has an fragrance line sold there and the best one is called "SJP NYC." It smells great, costs like $30 or $35, and the bottle is in its own little plastic case (that is very cute by the way!).

Why won't my computer load?

its possible u could havea virus or somehting in ru computer. try runnign liek avg or some kidn of antiv virus n anti spyware program to see if anythign is found. also could b battery!!!

How to turn on the computer?

This computer has been working bad forty awhile now. Its still useful but every time I plug it in I have to position the cord a certain way Every time. Somtimes when I plug it in it does not turn on. The battery turns green and after about 20 seconds it starts blinking orange. The computer itself cannot be turned on without a charger. When its blinking I just want to know how to actually get it on. Thank you.

What is wrong with my eye?

It is most likely a stye. Some styes are localized bumps and some can cause the whole lid to swell. Try using warm, wet compresses 3 times a day. If that does not help, you may need an antibiotic ointment such as tobradex. Good luck!

Running in houston, in an area by a lake or nature?

I'm look for some running trials in Houston (aside from memorial, rice and Bayou) ..a trail that runs by nature like (a lake or woody area) would be great .. I've heard of someone mention an area in sugerland or clearlake but could not find the exact spot online .. HELP I need to spice up my jog !! thx

One contacts looks cloudy and the other one is clear.?

On Saturday i went to the doctor to buy glasses but decided to buy contacts well that first day everything was fine till second day i notice that my left eye was getting cloudy and when i blink goes clear than again cloudy and the right eye is okay. So i was like ummm let see what happen tomorrow Monday and i still see cloudy so tomorrow Tuesday i ma see my doctor why one eye is good and the other gets cloudy. Why makes my contact get cloudy?

Is it possible for something to have a evolving property outside the observable universe?

As far as we know from scientific investigation, the universe in which we live (which is all potentially observable even though we do not currently have the means of observing all of it) is all there is. Ideas about "parallel universes" or "multiple universes" are in the realm of philosophy and pseudoscience, not true science.

Blinking "cool" light on friedrich air conditioner?

I have a Friedrich CP10F10, 10,000 BTU window unit that worked perfectly fine last year. I've just put it back in the window and turned it on for the first time this year. The green "cool" light is blinking, the fan runs, but it doesn't turn the condensor (or whatever the unit runs to cool the room.) Any suggestions? THANKS.

Blink-182 rocks!!!!!!?

Their the most funniest band out of all of the other bands out there and there really good!! But mostly their immature and stuff!! That's why their my #1 fav. Band!! Who agrees with me on this one!! >:D

Is my sequoia seedling really a sequoia?

I bought a giant sequoia seed kit at Barnes and Noble and I planted it Feb. 20, 2011. It has grown a lot, but doesn't look like a sequoia at all. it has no woody stem, and, honestly, it just looks like a weed. There are no needle-like leaves. I don't know if this could have happened because I didn't scarify the seed enough or what. Any help would be appreciated!

What song is this"?????

Look at me. Now look up. Back at me now. See that wall? Don't blink. You blinked. That's an oven. Smell that? Those are muffins. Blueberry. Now look at me. Do you hear that? Of course you don't. Swagger has no sound.....

Toy story 3 question?

yeah the phone toy helped them but was (maybe) tortured by the villains so that it would tell them the truth of where woody and the gang go

Girls, would you be freaked out?

makingout, kissing, cuddling, holding hands, hugs all with girls (duh) or just a random woody. would you be freaked out if you saw it sticking in your bf's pants or felt it while doiin relationshippy stuff?

How do i clear the "err" on my Stereo in my 1990 Mazda miata?

I bought a 1990 mazda miata and the stereo has a security system . Right now there is blinking "err" and the stereo is not usable.I know there is a way to clear it ut can't find the directions. Anyone have the out there?

'Angry Girls and Enhancement' will you c/c?

It takes discipline and determination to get an online degree-is that what you are pursuing? Stay focused, I am so proud of you. I am giving all my money time, dreams and hopes to my teenage daughter. I think from what I've seen your better off being disciplined and determined towards your own goal but I have no personal goals at this time then to breathe in and breathe out.

Can you shed some light on my five points about parallel universe?

According to M Theory, any or all of your examples are possible. In any Universe other than our own, the laws of physics may be totally different. In fact, if any of our normal constants was even slightly changed, our Universe would not be as we see it now. As an example, if the strong nuclear force was weaker, atomic nuclei would not have formed in the first place, and we would have a Universe populated only by free quarks and gluons. Some physicists believe it is almost impossible to envisage there NOT being other universes, as in many ways, M Theory is the simplest and most all-explanatory of all, so Occam's razor remains intact. As a pointer towards this, M Theory simplifies string theory by a factor of five, by the single expedient of adding one more dimension to the ten required for each of the five string theories. As soon as you assume eleven dimensions, those five differing but related string theories coalesce, and become the single M Theory. This explains several things we don't yet fully understand, such as the comparative weakness of gravity and answers the old conundrum of the Universe appearing out of nothing. Whilst this is primarily a mathematical concept (and a very beautiful one), there are one or two tiny hints in the cosmic background radiation studies that seem to be pointing in the same direction.


Hi. My boyfriend and I were talking on the phone and he told me he and his friends were playing truth or dare. His friend made him and his other friend(both guys) makeout. But, no tongue was added. And me and my boyfriend, makeout alot and he gets a "woody" everytime. I know he isnt gay. But, I was just wondering if this is a normal dare for guys. I dont know if this will help, but we are both only 13.

Are we are doomed to be destroyed?

No matter what we do, if we avoid being hit by a meteor, a nuclear holocaust, catastrophic global warming - when the sun goes supernova that'll be it, all traces of humanity gone, all we have created, learnt - even our detritus - whoosh all a bit burnt & crispy in the blink of an eye. So what is the point? People often say "it'll not make any difference in a hundred years" so what about in 4.5 billion.

So I named her. Is that name cute?

A beautiful name for a beautiful cat...why not? Don't understand the Juhie part, but Calico Woods is cool!

Is the last sentence of this paragraph really awkward?

Just our galaxy alone contains approximately a hundred billion stars, and most stars have its own planetary system. In the observable universe, there exist approximately a hundred billion galaxies. That means there could be at least one sextillion stars out there and this astronomical number is only the observable universe. Our galaxy is a hundred thousand light years across; astronomers have only scanned at most a hundred light years from the solar system, which does not even amount to one percent of our galaxy. To say that there is not a single planet habited by intelligent life forms in the many sextillion stars is beyond myopic.

Killjoy ideas (my chemical romance)?

This is actually 2 questions in 1. First, im goin to the civic tour with blink 182 and mcr and i'd love to dress as a killjoy but i also want to show my support for blink. Aby ideas on how to this? Second, i need help with my killjoy. Im thinking distraction threat as his name. I have a gray vest with black leather pockets, a blue neckerchief, either purple red gray or black skinny jeans, black scuba gloves and a green pink yellow and purple mask. Any ideas, tips, critique or anything?

Is the universe contained within a black hole?

no. the event horizon is the limit where even light will be attracted to the black hole when it passes through the event horizon, that's why we cannot see the things inside a black hole because the light emitted by the black hole is again attracted to itself with its massive gravity.

How to prove presence of aspirin?

Some pills were bought as an agent that for the metter of confidentiality I will name "xyz#3". However to my suspicion and intuition I questionned the truth about its nature and tasted a tiny bit which was so similar to the very taste that : "only aspirin tastes like that". However I do wish to proove it "ex cathedra" and by an objective observable mean that is evident to anybody who would try to oppose the fact. I read about sulphuric acid and or ferric chloride and also chloroform all of these being not easy to access espacially not to me. There must be a basic "home-kitchen-trick" that whatever it may be can at least sustain 80 % of my argument. Please anyone ? It is so important here for it relates also with a matter of trust in a person whom I doubt more and more of being a con artist but I just cannot attack without evidence, as little as the proof may be . PLEASE ?

Need question and experiment about animal?

For my biological class, I need to make a hypothesis and testing or observation about an animal around us, such as ducks, birds or squiralles. But I can't think of some good question. Examples question such as do fish respond to different pictures, or do ducks responds to different music. Anyone have some easy but observable questions about an animal to help me? thanks.

Why does Woody Allen continue being a Jew when he's too intelligent to be one and hates Judaism?

Damn, is he still alive? While I consider him a rarely equaled commenter on the human condition, I don't look to him to be a religious (or irreligious) icon.

What are some famous people with "wood" in their name?

like woodrow wilson, or woody hayes... or something along those lines. Also it would be great if they were famous men, women would be ok too... but i would prefer men. Thanks!

Dowe know our psition within the observable universe?

First off, keep in mind the observable universe is not the same as the entire universe. The observable universe is merely everything we can (potentially) see. We of course have to be at the center of the observable universe. It's not like we can see farther in one direction than another. However, there is a mathematical definition which defines the boundary of the observable universe. We need this, because while it is theoretically possible to see to the edge of the observable universe, in practice this is kind of hard to do. We've seen close to it, but it's pretty darn hard to find something right on the edge of it. So we define it mathematically as the farthest point from us that a photon could have reached us since the beginning of the universe. Keep in mind though, because of dark energy and the expansion of the universe, that point is farther away than 13.7 billion light years. This is a big misunderstanding people often have. If you want to read up on it more, the edge of the observable universe is known as the particle horizon.

How do you dress for a Blink-182, and My Chemical Romance concert?

I'm going to the Hoda Civin Tour where MCR and Blink-182 is playing. I really want to dress up as a killjoy, but I also want to show my love for Blink-182. Any tips? Maybe where to go to shop, what to wear, and even experiances could help! Thanks so much!

Friday, July 15, 2011

I caught my 6yr old son playing with his willy?

I'm wondering why the house is so quiet, why is my son not up under me like usual. I walk past his room thinking ok he's probably watching something really good or sleeping. I see that he is under his blankets, I pull the blankets back he naked with a woody. So I told him to stop, get dressed, and lets talk. We went over a lot of important issues about touching, because he does go to school, and I like to make sure my kids are alert. Everything is fine, so I asked him why did he do what he did. He said because it tickles him. So I said that's nasty and to try and not do that again. I called my mother who raised 3 boys already, and she said to just ignore it and he will stop. Is she right, she always is, but he just grossed me out. He was in his bed, in his room but he's 6. I thought that I would at least have until he's a teen to have to deal with this.

Why do American Young Earth Creationists seem to assume that fallen man is prone to misinterpret scientific...?

If theology and science were as clear as 1 + 1 = 2 there would be no debate. I agree there is an enormous volume of scientific evidence for a very old earth. Does theology and/or science define the usage of YOM without debate? Since it doesn't you and I are free to interpret God's creation in any time frame we feel led to and neither can factually tell the other that he is wrong. Creation then boils down to interpretation of the Biblical and the scientific evidences. Separating the two is a mistake science makes, in my opinion. We have found out that the majority does not always win and that the Biblical and scientific evidences are not always conclusive. Then what are we left with? It is faith. I regard creation as a miracle of God. Miracles can not be tested. I believe science proves an Intelligent Designer, but I do not believe it proves His creation process. Since we do not know God's creative process we both could be right. BUT I don't BELIEVE we are both right. However, if God did spread the stars out into space a billion light years from Earth in six days of creation then we ARE both right. God Bless.

My wireless router (belkin) won't connect to my internet?

I follow through all the steps and it says 'connecting to your router' and it completes then it says 'checking your connection' and then it says 'We are having trouble with your ADSL Line. Please contact your Internet Service Provider for assistance' But it the monitor is a green light, its not blinking. Which means its connected. HELP!!!!!

How could I boy turn out like this as he grow up ?

awwwww that is such a shame! he used to be soo cute, especially in sixth sense, oh well at least he is better than the stuart little kid (Jonathan Lipnicki)

Did blink 182 remake dammit?

Simply put I heard a different version of dammit on the radio I was wondering if blink had actually remade it or if it was a cover.... either way where can I listen to it if it is a true remake?

Astronomy people!! Astronomy question:?

i would have to agree with everyone else it explains a little more in detail about were we are there is noway of telling ware exactly we are its almost impossible

Twitching help- please read description?

iv been to doctors so i don't apparently have tourettes. throughout the year i switch between twitches. as soon as i recognize one a new one forms. i dont consider myself a really stressed person. sometimes my head bobs, sometimes i tighten all the muscles in my arm, and sometimes i blink too much. i used to wheeze just because i felt i needed to. i also know i do now have ocd. can u tell me why this happens and how to stop

Can anyone tell me how much my comics are worth? guessstimation?

tarzan of the apes-1968, monster hunters(charlton comics)-1976, sad sack usa-1972, marvel comics(chamber of chills)-1972=1976, tom&jerry-1974, woody wood pecker-1977. it would help me out extremely, im not very good at searching online! thanks a bunch,

Why is woody guthrie considered a pioneer?

Tell me about how he is new to do something. 10 pts. Tell me in the next hour and give me your source. No wikipedia or bad sources

If the actual universe is larger than the observable universe, how can we know how old the universe is?

We can deduce how old our bubble of observation is, and we then assume the other at least 10^120 bubbles (according to Inflationary Theory) are identical. We hypothesise the universe is homogeneous on the largest scale, and that's on a scale of 10^40 observable universes for every atom in our observable universe. So the sample size is rather small.

Graphics card photos?

Ive always been puzzled when it comes to compare the observable features of integrated and dedicated graphics cards, any photos and pictures to differentiate these chips please?

My hp laptop screen won't turn on?

I just tried turning on my laptop and I can hear it turning on, but the screen won't start up. I don't think the actual screen is broken, because if it was just the screen, my wireless internet button would change from orange to white after it has been on for a little bit. Also, the caps lock button keeps on blinking. Does anyone know whats wrong? It is an hp (not sure exactly what kind) and I got it last august so it's not even a year old.

My toshiba regza flat panel LCD tv wont turn on?? HELP!?

I pushed the power button on my remote and this blinking orange light labeled dvd went off. I retaliated by putting a dvd in the disc slot and nothing happened. Now the dvd wont come out! Its not turning on and the blinking light wont stop. I've tried unplugging the tv and when I plug it back in the same thing happened. Please help!!!

What song is this???

Look at me. Now look up. Back at me now. See that wall? Don't blink. You blinked. That's an oven. Smell that? Those are muffins. Blueberry. Now look at me. Do you hear that? Of course you don't. Swagger has no sound.....

Is their any material evidence beyond the observable and measurable that reality truly exists?

Since, according to quantum physics, everything you see is a creation of your own mind, and matter is not solid, but just concentrated energy, there's no real proof that anything you see is real. And from that perspective, how can we say that what we DON'T see ISN'T real? It's all just a dream within a dream, and a little unsettling too. We really see with our mind. Our eyes are just a lens. So we see things according to our own perceptions. That's why several eye witnesses to a crime will describe that crime differently. It's all from the perspective of the observer. Everything.

What happend to the crew that landed on mars in 2000?

Jim McConnell, Woody Blake, Luke Graham and Sergei Kirov were big heroes, but happened to them? Did they all come back alive.

2001 chevy cavalier warning light problems?

i recently had a lot of work done on my cavalier. a new sub frame was put in, a new timing belt, spark plugs, gaskets, fuel filter, brake line was flush. Most of the work was done because the first person to work on the car screwed up a lot of things. but that's another story. today I was driving and the TRAC OFF light came on, followed by THEFT SYSTEM and SERVICE. I parked the car, shut it off and turned it on. no lights. i drove a few feet, the THEFT SYSTEM and the SERVICE light came on and then the BRAKE light and one other light ( i couldn't catch what it was) blinked on and off and those other two stood on...any ideas what's going on?

Why do people like Mark Hoppus(blink 182) so much?

He's the bassist, not the vocalist, so why are you judging his vocal ability? If anybody from Blink is overrated, it's Travis.

Is my cat done giving birth? this is her first pregnancy.?

normally a cats first litter is the biggest. 36hrs is a long time for a cat to be in labor. she could have another one inside that is either dead or not in the right position to come out. i would take her to the vet to see if everything is ok.

How would you answer this question on consumer behaviour, wat would be your main points?

The answer is best explained by referring to William Wordsworth (see reference below). This is not a new phenomenon. The run on sentence above (second one) obscures what you need for this task. Answer in the same style (obfuscation).

Victoria Woody Skimboard?

I am 11,almost 12. I can skate board and snowboard easily. I'm in Vancouver, BC, and I'm going to get a Victoria woody skimboard. How fast do you think they can go and I weigh about 77 lbs. Do you think that's a good beginner skimboard?

Did blink 182 ever do a black n white music video?

My dad said they had a slow song from their last album and the video was black and white and he "thinks" they were in a swamp or something, but he said the song was horrible. So I played down, I miss you, and always and he said that wasn't slow enough. Then I played stay together for the kids and that wasn't the right song. I don't think it's blink he's thinking of but he said he's "sure" it was them

Can you solve this riddle?...?

the person above me is wrong because basket ball and hoop both have double letters unless it was supposed to be net ....

Christians: What exactly does the soul do and where is it located?

The onus is on you to provide the evidence. That's what you FAIL to understand. If I say, when someone dies, they are dead, their brain stops working, it's the end of consciousness. Those are all objective observable claims. If you say, "oh no, no, their body dies, but their soul goes on living." That's a fantasy until you can prove it. But it's OBVIOUS that consciousness is 100% physical, if their is a soul, it is unneeded to operate the human body. Suffer severe brain damage and see if you can still pray to your God or remember your "Christian morals." It's a fact, what makes you you is physical and environmental but NOT supernatural.

Everything that exists = 1 very large, complex 4d object?

Could a four dimensional object of enough size and complexity represent every observable object in three dimensions simultaneously, such that the universe is actually a single four dimensional object?

Problem with my eye? Imaginary bruise?

So, this morning, I woke up feeling like somebody punched me in the eye. Now, I looked; there were no bruises or cuts, and the pain got lesser throughout the day. The only thing that kept happening is that it hurts to blink. Now, I checked for a stye under and around my eye, but there was no reason for one to appear. The pain feels like it's coming off of the bone below the eye, and it's only an inch long (area of pain when touched). Does anyone know what happened? D:

"Gay bullying" ??????? Has the world gone mad?

Well yes because even the adults are doing this maybe Its because they are not welcomed by certain people bullies have pride people with pride are bullies people who are private are Ignoramuses better off with people who are private they won't bother you stay away from public people they have pride and proud people are bullies at all ages just ask president obama the white house has an anti bullying task force

When i turn on the computer, the monitor stays blank, but it blinks.What should I do?

I checked everything, the connections and all, made sure they're all okay. But it still doesn't work. I tried restarting the so-called Batteries but still not. I've read that maybe it's about the VGA Card. But I know, if it's broken or damage, the fans wont start, right? But both the system unit fan and the VGA Card fan work. Please help me. Any suggestions?

Is there Something Wrong With My PS3!?!?!?!?!?!?

I was playing call of duty black ops and then all of the sudden my PS3 shut off and the light next to the power button was flashing red what does that mean? i clicked the button and it stopped blinking then i hit it again and it turned on it seems to be working fine now. But why did it shut off like that did it overheat or what? PLEASE Answer Thank you

Am I crazy, weird or interesting?

The word I do believe is eccentric. Bottom line, if you are happy with all these things, what someone else thinks doesnt amount to a hill of beans.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

What to bring to camp?

OkAy so I am going to an over night summer camp for one week. I have no clue what to bring? We Are staying in cabins. It is not a woody or country place. There are cute guys there so I don't want to look horrible. Oh and I am a thirteen year old chick!

Why are conservatives wanting to making useless laws banning abortion but not giving dolphins the inalienable?

What's say we start out by giving unborn babies AT LEAST as much right to live as dolphins, elephants, and apes? AT LEAST they are allowed to live and usually grow to adulthood. You can't say as much about human fetuses, can you?

Modem or internet service provider?

Hmm, sounds like you've tried everything you possibly can to resolve your issues. Where is your provider in all of this? They should be doing whatever they can to help if they want to keep getting your money, which doesn't look like it's going to happen. I think if you're going to look for another provider, you shouldn't have to go through even more stress. This site really helped me, and hopefully you'll have an easy time of it as well. Good luck!

Aren't Christians the least different people than Atheists?

I think the biggest difference between Christians and atheists are the amount of shits given when concerning what other people do.

I have a major affection problem?

everytime I makeout, kiss, cuddle, hold hands, or even hold hands with a girl i get a woody. everyday ill just pop a random *****, it happens maybe a 1 or 2 times an hour. im 14 turning 15 soon. please tell me a way I can keep it down. and there is no way im gonna pop one of my balls. please I really need help with this.

Woody or buzz lightyear?

i was watching this video today a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a and around 10:36 they asked a question which do kids or people like more. I was curious about the answer so i am asking it on here.

Photoshop Pro Selection Tool (Lasso) won't work?

I was using Photoshop Pro to edit a couple of photos where people blinked, and so I was using my lasso tool. All the sudden now, when I trace the line around the area I want to select, the shape appears while I'm tracing, but when I let go no dotted lines appear and it just goes back to nothing selected. What could be wrong--please help!


my cats name is Luigi Alfredo (hahaha) and my dog is Sophie and somehow when we yell at her we started calling her "sophie louise" even though louise is a hideous name. not sure about my monkey, ostrich, unicorn but for a girl Aubrey Grace or Olivia Rebecca Leigh and for a boy either Logan Michael, Colby Michael Or Casey James (my brother is michael, my fiances brother is James).

What are some websites that I can watch free movies and tv shows?

I used to use and use the megavideo links which they took down. Are there any safe sites that use megavideo links or are similar? I don't want to download any software. Thanks

Bird over population!!!!?

my farm is over ran with birds!!!!!! Where can I find these little suckers cuz everytime I bring out my gun they all disappear!!! Please tell me where I can find their honeyhole and cut down the population a little bit, oh yeah it's in the woody state Alabama if that helps

Is it time for evolutionists to enroll at Bible-centered science re-education centers?

Natural selection is observable but evolution never happened. The evidence is concrete - evolutionists must admit they've been duped by a colossal hoax.

My girlfriend is being a B?

You b**tard. You're not good enough for her. How do you think that makes her feel? If thats the way you treat women then don't ever expect to have another girlfriend, you'll die an old, alone, pig.

BLACKBERRY BOLD black screen, still on?!?

After taking the battery out of my Blackberry Bold, the red LED light goes on for a few seconds and the screen shows the loading clock for about 10 seconds then turns black. About 3 seconds later i can lightly see the rebooting screen but it turns black again. I know the phone is on because when i wait, i can see the red LED light blinking because of messages. Could this possibly be a loose connection with the LED screen? If so, how can I fix this?

Can you list and rate every Woody Allen film that you've seen?

Darth modestly restrains himself from indulging in his scathing sarcastic scorn of all things Woody Allen, and settles for a simple I think he's an awful joke. Sorry GOB.

How can i clean a woody or jessie doll?

Hi my daughter has a Woody and Jessie doll. Jessie has gotten very very dirty and is need of a bath. But the problem is that they both have the talking pieces built inside of them and there is no way to take off there clothes. Can anyone give me some advice?

Would any of these songs from the big band era be considered real jazz?

IMHO Glenn Miller's band was not very jazzy at all. Tommy Dorsey, while he played a lot of sentimental stuff, had a fairly high jazz quotient in his output. I'm not familiar with all the songs you listed above, but most of them would fit into the category of jazz.

Is the USA just not a good nation for Asian men?

I dont mean disrespect to Americans but Asian men are not liked in the USA. American women do not like by Asian men and this includes the Asian women in the USA. Did you know that Flava Flav and Woody Allen are more of sex symbols than the likes of Edison Chen and Takeshi Kaneshiro. We Asian men cannot find happiness here in the USA. We must go abroad atleast, I dont know where but we cant stay here.

Why did god create this world..?

Because God is by nature relational, and relationships must be at least 2-way, so he created relational beings in his image.

I freak out when I'm alone in a dark room with a mirror?

I always feel like I can see a shape in the mirror...then I blink and focus and it's normal. Sometimes I get so paranoid that I hyperventalate and run out of the room as fast as possible, my heart racing, feeling like I'll die if I don't get out of there. And then Other nights I'll be normal. Am I paranoid, or do other people feel like this?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

In desperate need of computer help, won't boot up, please read ):?

My first thought is if it's that bad a format would be the solution, however you could also take the hard drive out and put it in a hard drive enclosure then do a virus scan there. Sounds like it's pretty bad so it's going to need drastic measures , good luck.

Toshiba laptop problems with the webcam?

I have a year old Toshiba laptop with a built in webcam and ever since I got this laptop it has been giving me trouble. I have never used the webcam or anything. Everytime I turn on my laptop and go on the web the brightness on the screen on the computer dulls than lightens back to normal, it's the wierdest thing! There is a little light that is on right now next to the webcam that shows up blue and every time the screen lightens it turns on and every time it dulls it turns off. And now it's blinking! It does this about every minute! When the blue light turns off it makes this noise its really wierd and kinda sounds like symbols crashing into one another! Please help me fix it it's driving me nuts and I don't know what else to do! Any answers and appriciated! Thanks!!!

Evidence the bible was written by man?

It's just a basic fact of life (well, my life anyways) that the majority of people either cannot or do not WANT to read between the lines. This and hundreds of other examples of biblical fallacy are glaringly obvious but then we still have otherwise fairly learned people believing in fundamentalized religious interpretations. The best conclusion one can reach is that they do not really want to know the truth. They will proclaim they do, but what they really want is a nicely packaged concept of truth. As children, God and the bible don't sound all that bad, because let's be honest, most kids who grow up in Judeo-Christian homes are shielded from the rougher passages of the Bible (hell so many of those parents even reject disney movies). Upon finding out what the faith is about it often doesn't jive with the God of love they were taught and so it is impossible to not have a crisis of faith as an adult unless you just never ask the harder questions.

Problems with 1993 Acura legend ?

When I drive, I'll lose my speedometer but it will bounce back up. And when that happens my car shifts funny and it idles up and down. And the light that lights up around the D4 on my dash blinks until my car is shut off. I'm really hoping it's not my tranny. Any advice will be appreciated. Thanks.

Reset the Message Waiting indicator on a GE Cell Fusion phone system?

Hi, I have a GE Cell Fusion phone system. I recently moved, and at my new home I do not have home phone service. Before I unplugged my phone at the old house, I had a message waiting which caused the message waiting indicator to blink. No combination of removing batteries, unplugging, deleting all messages, or anything else will make this blinking go away! Could you please tell me how to make the red blinking light stop? I won't be using land-line phone service any longer, but I love using this system in place of my cellular phone.

I will lose if I be myself?

The time has come to bite the bullet and do whatever you need to in order to achieve your goals. If that means being outspoken and participating in discussion, then you'll have to force yourself to do it. It's a tough gig, so good luck. Ultimately your dream is more important that what others think. Ironically, extroverted people tend to be less concerned about others than introverts, so chances are you won't be judged as harshly as you fear.

Questions about No Country for Old Men?

i'm still waiting on the second half of the movie. when he got hit by the car and it ended, i was more confused than at any other point in the movie. i'd like to see how it really ends, it seems quite unfinished.

What do you think of this phenomena among women and their preferences?

Actally, a lot of people think Steven Tyler is ugly.I, however, LOVE LOVE LOVE him. Why, you ask? Not because of the fact that he's white, but because his mouth, his eyes, his hair, his style, his voice, his body etc. It has nothin to do with race.

Does anyone know the name of an old Woody Allen/Diane Keaton movie?

I watched years ago on TV, it was about the Russian army enlisting men to fight off Napoleon.Allen played a coward and stayed alive only by accident.Because he was the only soldier alive, he was considered a hero.A very young Diane Keaton played his love interest.

How do you view "Reality"? Agreed upon? Individual?

I like to see reality a agreed upon individual realities. Sort of like a ven diagram. I think that if enough agree upon an observable reality, then It becomes concrete. What do you think?

Windows 7 64 bit issues?

Constant crashing/hanging. I keep using FIX and it changes some things but, it comes back. I'm the Admin. and I have no permission? Can't play games Adobe Player 10 isn't compatible and I can't get Adobe Player 9 to download. I changed from IE9 to a lesser version. I answered the questions under Adobe and still my game board is blinking so fast, I can't click on it. My IE9 keeps having to re set for the connection is lost. What can I do? thanks.

What does it mean when your vision shakes?

Every so often i'll look at something then suddenly it begins to shake violently or vibrate. It goes away if i blink or refocus on it, but if i let it continue i'll start to feel dizzy. i tried looking up the answer but i only found someone saying it was a telling sign that ur intoxicated, which i'm not.

Which company, if there was multiple companies, was the most popular in making classic surf cars?

I believe these classics were called "woody" or something close to that. I've seen the classic car on posters, pictures all over the place, and I'm wondering what it's called and who made it.

Does anyone know when the soundtrack to Midnight in Paris by Woody Allen will be released?

Unfortunately, I do not think there is going to be one... I know one of the musicians who composed for the film, and that was the last I had heard...Things might change though... You can purchase Stephane Wrembel's "Bistro Fada" on Its the main theme of the movie, a beautiful guitar piece.... Get to know his music, he has worked with Woody Allen before, and is an amazing musician!

Why my compter monitor blinks?

my computer monitor turns off for a second and it comes back. But i can hear sounds and other stuffs

My HP - Mini Netbook / Intel® Atom™ Processor / 10.1" Display / 1GB Memory / 160GB Hard Drive won't start up?

When I turn it on, a black screen pops up, with only one small blinking light in the top left-hand corner of the screen. I had this problem last week and had it fixed. I used it today and it was working just fine, I was on the internet and it just shut off on me. The the same black screen poped up. Could some one please tell me what the issue is and how to fix it, and (if possible) how to prevent it?

How small is a human in comparison to our currently observable universe?

Probably smaller than the size of a sub-atomic particle/quantum particle. I have a degree in physical geography, so I understand the concept scale. Saying that a human being is an atom in the universe is a gross over-exaggeration.

Can you take photos during a concert at Molson Amphitheatre?

I'm going to Blink-182/MCR and was wondering if I can take photos there, or will security check my bag/confiscate cameras?

When i pull my foreskin back and i get a Woody my penis starts to hurt?

is this a sign of phimosis? because it hurts when it gets too tight and can i fix this problem so i can insert my limo in her garage ;) all kidding aside tis is serious i need to fix this for future reasons :D