Friday, July 15, 2011

Why do American Young Earth Creationists seem to assume that fallen man is prone to misinterpret scientific...?

If theology and science were as clear as 1 + 1 = 2 there would be no debate. I agree there is an enormous volume of scientific evidence for a very old earth. Does theology and/or science define the usage of YOM without debate? Since it doesn't you and I are free to interpret God's creation in any time frame we feel led to and neither can factually tell the other that he is wrong. Creation then boils down to interpretation of the Biblical and the scientific evidences. Separating the two is a mistake science makes, in my opinion. We have found out that the majority does not always win and that the Biblical and scientific evidences are not always conclusive. Then what are we left with? It is faith. I regard creation as a miracle of God. Miracles can not be tested. I believe science proves an Intelligent Designer, but I do not believe it proves His creation process. Since we do not know God's creative process we both could be right. BUT I don't BELIEVE we are both right. However, if God did spread the stars out into space a billion light years from Earth in six days of creation then we ARE both right. God Bless.

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